历史 & 遗产

uhall_welcomewall2021.jpgGMercyU Stands Out Among Catholic Universities in Pennsylvania

Founded by the Sisters of Mercy of Merion in 1948, 格温内斯仁慈大学 has a long history of helping students make a difference—in their lives and in the lives of others. GMercyU is shaped by our Catholic identity as well as our Mercy herit年龄 and charism, with programs designed to prepare students to lead productive lives of deep meaning and value.

Through a commitment to an education rich in the liberal arts, 格温内斯仁慈大学 students are encour年龄d to explore multiple perspectives as they deepen their base of knowledge, develop their critical thinking and communication skills, 准备在世界上占有一席之地. On the road to becoming 独特的仁爱毕业生, 我们提供温暖的, 欢迎, and inclusive community in which each student can learn and grow.


格温内斯仁慈大学 is one of the 17 Catholic colleges and universities that comprise the Conference for Mercy Higher Education. Our herit年龄 is based on the traditions of the Sisters of Mercy, the Catholic order founded by Catherine McAuley in Dublin, 1831年的爱尔兰. Her mission was to serve people who were suffering injustices due to poverty, 病, 以及缺乏教育, 尤其是妇女和儿童. 了解更多网赌最好最大平台 凯瑟琳·麦考利和仁慈修女会.

今天, 格温内斯仁慈大学 carries on this spirit by infusing the Mercy charism into our teaching and learning community. Mercy underpins our commitment to academic excellence and lifelong learning; our respect for the dignity of every human person; and our mission to educate the whole person—mind, body, 和精神. 通过行动和教育, we aim to develop students who are professionally and personally prepared to promote compassion and justice toward those with less as they make a difference in their careers and communities.


  • 1948: GMercyU, 最初名为格温内德-默西学院, 是在格温内斯谷成立的, Pa, by the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Merion as a junior college.
  • 1958: Gwynedd-Mercy College earns its first Middle States accreditation.
  • 5月23日, 1963: The school is re-chartered as a four-year institution, 提供副学士学位和学士学位.
  • 1973年:该校首次招收男生.
  • 1982: The school offers its first graduate program in nursing.
  • 1990: A new sports complex, The Griffin Complex, opens on campus.
  • 1996: 体育运动 moves from the NAIA to NCAA Division III. GMercyU now offers 18 NCAA Division III men’s and women’s athletic programs.
  • 2009年:一个新的户外运动场建成.
  • 2012: The schools of nursing and allied health professions consolidate to become the Frances M. 马奎尔护理和卫生专业学校.
  • 2012: The Gustav Martin Building is demolished and the groundbreaking ceremony is held for a new academic building on campus.
  • 2013年9月, Gwynedd-Mercy College receives university status and is renamed 格温内斯仁慈大学.
  • 2013: GMercyU is approved to offer its first doctoral program, 护理实践博士(DNP), and quickly follows that with the addition of a Doctorate in Educational 领导 (EdD) in 2014.
  • 2014年:新, 最先进的学术大楼, 大学大厅, is dedicated and the library building is reconfigured to include a vibrant new Learning Commons.
  • 2015年:弗朗西丝. 马奎尔护理和卫生专业学校 is formally named Frances M. 马奎尔大厅.
  • 2016: GMercyU's longest-tenured and first lay president, 凯萨琳•欧文斯, 博士学位, 宣布从大学退休.
  • 2017年:GMercyU欢迎Deanne H. D'Emilio, JD, as the new President of the University.
  • 2018: GMercyU announces the purchase of its new East Campus, a 154-acre property adjacent to its Gwynedd Valley campus.
  • 2019: The University holds the largest Commencement in its history, 向880多名毕业生颁发学位.
  • 2020: GMercyU捐赠呼吸机, 个人防护用品, and other medical supplies to area hospitals at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 2022: GMercyU announces the sale of East Campus to Beacon Capital Partners, 有限责任公司, who will use the property to support advancements in life sciences fields.
  • 2024: The University renovates Loyola Hall (a residence hall for first-year students) and breaks ground on the future Frances M. 马奎尔医疗创新中心.

查看更详细的 GMercyU 75年的时间表.


We recognize and acknowledge that 格温内斯仁慈大学 stands on the Indigenous territory known as “Lenapehoking,"莱纳佩人的传统家园, 也被称为Lenni-Lenape或Delaware印第安人. 这些人, 1680年代, negotiated with William Penn to facilitate the founding of the colony of Pennsylvania. Their descendants today include the Delaware Tribe and Delaware Nation of Oklahoma; the Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape, Ramapough德拉瓦人, and Powhatan Renape of New Jersey; and the Munsee Delaware of Ontario.*

Consistent with the University's commitment to 多样性、股票 & 包容, we will continue to develop our understanding of the historical and current experiences of all Native peoples.


在天主教学院和大学中, GMercyU has a strength in preparing students who are professionally competent, 在文科方面有坚实的基础, and are committed to the Mercy tradition of service to humanity. 独特的仁爱毕业生 不仅仅是各自领域的领导者吗. They are leaders with values — professionals who know what they stand for and who will live by their personal principles every day.

网赌最好最大平台 for more information about how the Mercy tradition shapes the GMercyU educational experience.